Eva’s comic life – 2008

03/Dic/2014 design projects

In 2008, I started learning about video editing. I had used Adobe premier before and I wanted to put what I had learnt in practice. I bought my first mac in 2007 and I was looking for a project to create new designs, animations and video edition.

A friend of mine suggested that it would be a really nice idea to prepare a video for my friend Eva’s 30th birthday so I took it seriously and I drew some drafts based on her pictures.

Eva's comic life

Eva’s comic life


Once my they knew about my project, her friends and family sent me more pictures to use in the video. I had loads of pictures with hilarious costumes so I thought I would build a comic life for her! It was really fun to edit the video and write jokes related with the pictures.

Eva's comic life

Eva’s comic life


So, this is it! I hope you enjoy the final version :)

*The text in the video is in Spanish

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