2014 – Vietnam…a look back

01/Ago/2024 photoseries projects

2014 - Vietnam...a look back - Cover (blog)

I travelled to Vietnam back in 2014 and I instantly fell in love with the country, their culture, the people, the landscapes, the nature, their heritage, the architecture and of course, their amazing food!

I’m not a food photographer, so, you won’t find any fancy pictures of the Vietnamese cuisine here. Instead, I wanted to publish pictures focusing on what I consider to be the heart of Vietnam, the people.

Even though in this selection the subjects might look a bit ’surprised’, I can guarantee, Vietnamese people will make you feel at home quickly. They’re humble and welcoming. They will often offer you a smile. But at the end of the day, I was a tourist taking pictures of them during their daily life so I guess that’s why they look at the camera so confused. I caught them while they were working, commuting somewhere or just chilling.

I’m thinking about it now and maybe I could go back to take new pictures and hopefully catch some smiles. That would be the perfect excuse to release a series 2 of this photo series!

The 2014 – Vietnam…a look back photo series is a set of 14 pictures you can explore below:

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