When I was first told about the idea behind I thought ‘this is genius!’ but how to sell such an idea? ‘We will sell you nothing!’ – just a concept.
You are probably wondering what this idea is… and for sure you’ve seen it before! Smoke and mirrors! You see it everywhere. In vendohumo we are kind of wizards from Oz in the internet era. We don’t lie, we are honest, we sell you the idea itself. This idea is humour, style and in some way, a complaint and a shout out loud. Don’t believe those who actually sell you nothing (but won’t tell you so). We’ll sell you nothing and you’ll know all about it! We’ll even wrap it up nicely, just for you!
Think about how many useless things you have at home. And don’t you just love them? Promises from politicians or this amazing cream that you saw on tv that will make you lose 10kg in just two weeks! Priceless…
If the project works fine, our next release will be an english version of our joke so the whole world will be able to get their bit of honesty in a bottle ;)
For the time being, enjoy my designs and if you want to give us your support spread the word and look out for us on social networks.
For further information you can visit us at, twitter or facebook.