bohemestudio evolution (V)

07/Sep/2015 blog

01_bs4.0 - Bohemestudio 4.0

Bohemestudio 4.0

Let’s start with the concepts

– Photography web portfolio : Pictures

– Web/Graphic design portfolio: Designs/Screenshots/Links

– Front-end portfolio: Projects/Screenshots/Code


Bohemestudio3.5 wasn’t enough to show my professional works. As a Front-end developer and UX designer, screenshots can tell you much about how I work, but I cannot really express myself without words explaining what you see. I needed to change the whole website, not only the visual, but also the web architecture including pictures, articles, comments and a blog section.

After one month of hard work, I built the whole website from scratch: from the UX architecture, brand image, articles to the final release of my own wordpress theme. The biggest bohemestudio release ever! (so Apple keynote, I know).

It can still feel a little bit weird to see photos on a professional IT portfolio, but it’s not all about sketching, coding and debugging! :P

Finally, on December 4th of 2014, bs4.0 was released: a fully responsive website with content about my projects, designs and pictures. I also shared tips about what I’ve learned through the past years. And it is also a great way for me to share my passion for technology and design with everyone.

Bohemestudio 4.0 - Homepage

Bohemestudio 4.0 – Homepage

So well, until the next release, welcome to bohemestudio 4.0.

Enjoy :)

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