bohemestudio evolution (I)

03/Dic/2014 blog

This website was born in November 2010 but it wasn’t until February 2011 that the first version was online.

In the beginning bohemestudio was mostly a place to share my pictures. I always loved taking pictures from my first disposable camera to my modern reflex, I’ve always been taking pictures of everything. But my website was also a way to practice what I was learning in my professional career.

So finally the 14th of February 2011 was the chosen date to release the first version. RELEASE DESIGN 1.0 (14Feb2011)

RELEASE DESIGN 1.0 (14Feb2011)


Well , the first version was quite a static page but my skills with javascript and wordpress were improving. It was just a few months later that I released version 2.0, in May 2011, trying to make my website more attractive and improving the UX with new features. RELEASE DESIGN 2.0 (15May2011) RELEASE DESIGN 2.0 (15May2011)

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